MartijnKorremans that is quite strange, maybe it would help to remove mod (dxgi.dll and system/shaders/win, there is a link to original files in main post) and install from scratch?
Paul whoa, those lens effects looks really nice, what filter is this?
tajskapulapka thank you, glad you like it. Great shot!
SmashUp а что в content/mods, может, там включить надо?
Noxide make sure you don’t already have some filter injector, try to rename dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll, disable fullscreen mode and FPS counting software, maybe something would help?
Darxtreme just some general optimization, adjustments, stuff like that.
JMartinni same here, but apparently it helps on some systems. Also, it helps to find out if there is another injector installed already, it might be using d3d11.dll to inject itself as well.